Always Keep Baby Toys Clean and Safe

It is essential to keep the toys your little prince or princess uses on a play mat as clean as possible and free of a build up of dirt and bacteria.

Babies and infants are very sensitive to dust, dirt and germs which can make them very susceptible to becoming ill because their immune system is not fully developed.

This mean cleanliness and a high standard of hygiene at all times is essential – having a packet of antibacterial wet wipes around when your little boy or girl is having fun on a play mat is a good idea – this will enable you to wipe over their little toys and play things from time to time to ensure they are germ-free.

It’s also important to clean your little one’s play mat on a regular basis with a child-safe sanitizer liquid or disinfectant. You would be surprised how much grime and bacteria can build up on a play mat or activity gym that is being used regularly. We offer some useful tips to parents in our how to clean a play mat article.

Naturally you should also keep other items clean which you child may be using during play time on a floor mat – this includes milk bottles, rattles, squeakers, teethers and books, for example.

There’s also the option to keep your child’s toys clean with a good wipe down with traditional soap and water. A clean cloth and a bottle of antibacterial spray is another option.

The old faithful toothbrush can come to the rescue when you are trying to remove stubborn particles of dirt and grime that have become embedded in hard-to-reach areas of kids’ toys – and a toothpick can access those really tight and inaccessible areas.

It is important to always use safe, natural and non-toxic soap, disinfectant and other cleaning liquids when taking steps to keep toys and other play things hygienic.

Some parents opt to keep toys clean by using a mixture of water, vinegar and baking soda.

PLASTIC TOYS – These are fairly easy to clean and many – those made solely of plastic – can even be placed in your dishwasher where the high temperature will kill off germs and bacteria. Hot, soapy water and a wipe with a wet cloth will get most plastic toys clean. You can also use an antibacterial spray for good measure.

RUBBER TOYS – these can be cleaned by immersing them in soapy water or a 50/50 mix of water and distilled white vinegar.

CUDDLY TOYS – You should also clean cuddly toys and plush toys regularly to keep them free of germs that could affect your baby or infant’s health. These can be washed in the gentle cycle, using hot water in your washing machine. Others items which can be cleaned the same way include baby blankets, knitted toys and cloth books.

WOODEN TOYS – These can be cleaned with a mild soap, vinegar or non-toxic cleaner which has been diluted with water. You should wipe the toys with a wet cloth and then dry them with a dry cloth, before allowing them to fully air dry. Don’t been tempted to immerse wooden toys in water or any other liquid as some porous natural woods are prone to warping when soaked.

METAL TOYS – Toys which are made of such as cars, trains and planes can be sanitized with a damp microfiber cloth and some antibacterial spray. Some people opt for using disinfectant or a mixture of water and bleach to clean metal or steel toys. A cloth should then be dampened in the thoroughly diluted mixture, ready for wiping down the toys. If you wish you can place the mixture in a basin or bucket and immerse the metal toys in it for around 10 minutes.

Bleach is a very aggressive agent and should be handled with care – not more than one tablespoon of bleach should be used per gallon of water – make sure you wear rubber gloves when cleaning toys with this mixture. The toys should be thoroughly rinsed after cleaning to ensure there are no traces of bleach on them.

It’s always worth having a few popular toys to hand which are clean and ready to play with, just in case those your child is currently using become dirty – you don’t want any tantrums and tears when you need to remove these for cleaning!

Little babies love to explore their world by touching and tasting things – and that’s why it’s crucial to ensure their toys and other items that may be licked, chewed or come into contact with their hands and mouths should be as hygienic as possible.

It is essential to clean your baby boy or girl’s toys when they have not been used for a while to ensure the removal of bacteria and germs that has built up on them. You should also sanitize your child’s toys if they have come into contact with another child’s mouth. Toys should also be cleaned when a child is recovering from diarrhoea, a cold or any illness.

Safety is also paramount when it comes to your child’s toys and it is wise to buy from reputable stores – buying inferior products just to save a few pennies can prove costly!

The plastic wrapping on new toys should be carefully discarded to avoid the risk of suffocation. You should also avoid giving toys which have removable parts, such as buttons and eyes, to babies or very young children, as these pose an obvious choking risk.

Always check any new toys you purchase to ensure they conform to safety standards and give them the once-over for any sharp edges or points that could have a baby or infant.

Be extra cautious with toys that have any ribbons, straps, cords or strings attached as there have been tragedies in the past where young children have been injured of killed after becoming entangled in them.

Constant supervision by an adult is vital when babies of young infants are playing with toys to ensure no accidents happen.

It is also important to put all the play things away in a toy box or proper storage area when your child is finished having fun on a play mat. This removes the risk of a child – or even mum or dad – accidentally falling over them.

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