Tummy Time Play Mats, Prop Pillows & Rollers for Babies

Tummy time is essential for a newborn or young baby’s development and some play mats have been designed specifically with this in mind.

The type of mat which is perfect for introducing a baby to tummy time is one which has the little play things and features attached to the surface of the mat, rather than hanging above the mat, as found in most play gyms which are geared towards entertaining a child lying on his or her back.

These tummy time inspired mats and rugs come with many appealing little accessories to keep a baby boy or girl fully engaged – they include bead chasers, rattles, squeezy animals, shakers, teethers, mirrors and sensory toys. Some also have little hoops which you can attach baby’s favourite little play things to.

The key reason why tummy time is so important is because it greatly benefits babies when are starting to develop strength in their neck and back muscles – this strength will then help them to resist gravity in order to sit, crawl and walk. You can read more on the subject in our article, the benefits of tummy time.

Here are some impressive tummy time play mats currently available at Amazon in the UK.

A variation on the standard tummy time mat is the developmental pillow or prop pillow. These are cylinder shaped soft pillows – adorned with colourful animal characters and designs – which babies can rest their chests on.

Many of them also feature little cuddly play things and soft novelties to keep a young mind entertained. Leading brand names include Baby Einstein, Nuby, Mamas & Papas, Mothercare and Early Learning Centre.

The roller version of these pillows is becoming very popular with parents in the UK – these feature a slightly firmer cylinder, around 40cms in length. They are just firm enough to enable the device to be rolled backwards and forwards when a baby get down to some serious tummy time on it.

These cute little tummy time accessories are perfect for tummy time and helping a baby learn to crawl. They are also great for overall muscular and physical development, and encouraging hand to eye coordination.

Here is a selection of the best-selling prop pillows and tummy time rollers at Amazon.

The tummy time water mat is another great product which is filled with floating fish and other sea creatures to keep grab a baby’s attention and encourage the raising of the head and shoulders.

They are guaranteed not to leak or tear, as well as being completely safe for a baby’s sensitive skin. Water play mats are great fun, as well as being excellent learning tools and tummy time aids. Most of them cost under £10 and leading brand names include VATOS, Odibess and NASHRIO.

Here’s a few examples of water mats at Amazon which can encourage a baby to move around in the prone position.

Tummy time mats, rugs, prop pillows and rollers can help combat the risk of your little one developing plagiocephaly, a condition caused by prolonged pressure on a newborn or young baby’s head which results in flattening.

This can occur when a child spends too long sitting or sleeping on its back in a cot, bouncer or car seat. Plagiocephaly is also known as flat head syndrome, positional molding or occipital flatness.

Tummy time play mats are beneficial in counteracting flat head syndrome when a child is in the prone position, but another aid worth considering is a plagiocephaly baby pillow which has a round cavity in the centre.

These are ideal for periods when your baby is sleeping as they help a child’s skull to develop correctly. MIMOS® flat head syndrome baby pillows are among the most highly regarded and get the seal of approval from many leading paediatricians.

This type of pillow is usually filled with a 3D polyester or foam structure which allows adequate air flow and reduces the pressure on the baby’s skull by spreading the weight of the head over a greater area of contact.

Here are some of the most popular ones available to buy at Amazon.

Tummy time really is a great opportunity for parents to interact and bond with their babies. However, it’s not wise to do this with a baby straight after a feed – it’s a good idea to do it around half an hour before a feed is due, when the little one is still happy to play.

Parents should take their cues from their babies to gauge when the little ones are in the right mood for some activity in the prone position – this will ensure tummy time is a rewarding and enjoyable experience for everyone.

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